Sunday 26 June 2011

Harry Potter's Home-Owner-Ist Uncle Vernon

From page 32 of the paperback edition of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows:

"According to you", Vernon Dursley said now, resuming his pacing up and down the living room, "we -Petunia, Dudley and I - are in danger. From - from -"

"Some of 'my lot', right", said Harry.

"Well, I don't believe it, " repeated Uncle Vernon, coming to a halt in front of Harry again. "I was awake half the night thinking it all over, and I believe it's a plot to get the house."

"The house?" repeated Harry. "What house?"

"This house!" shrieked Uncle Vernon, the vein in his forehead starting to pulse. "Our house! House prices are sky-rocketing round here! You want us out of the way and then you're going to do a bit of hocus-pocus and before we know it the deeds will be in your name and- "

"Are you out of your mind?" demanded Harry. "A plot to get this house? Are you actually as stupid as you look?"

"Don't you dare-!" squealed Aunt Petunia, but again, Vernon waved her down; slights on his personal appearance were, it seemed, as nothing to the danger he had spotted.

"Just in case you'd forgotten", said Harry [playing the Home-Owner-Ist trump card], "I've already got a house. My godfather left me one. So why would I want this one? All the happy memories?"


A K Haart said...

You got as far as page 32?

Mark Wadsworth said...

AKH, I read the whole book before I went to see part one of the film, so now I have to read it again before part two comes out.

Deniro said...

Housing market discussed here
Time is = 16.30
house prices are not in a free supply and demand (price and demand ) market. they are asset - when prices rise demand does not drop- it rises and prices are unstable , D. Sington "The Flaw"