Thursday 24 February 2011


James Ward decided to email the No2AV campaign:


A couple of days ago, an advert for the No2AV campaign appeared in the Birmingham Mail featuring a picture of a baby girl and the message “She needs a new cardiac facility NOT an alternative voting system”.

The advert explained that the £250million which would be spent switching to AV could be better spent on a new Children’s Heart Centre at Birmingham Children’s Hospital. I was just wondering if you had any background information on who the baby is and what her condition is. I really don’t want the baby to die just because I voted “yes” and so I want to have all the facts at hand before I decide how to vote.

This is the deciding factor in whether I vote “yes” or “no”, so any information would be very much appreciated.

I hope they reply soon, my vote hangs in the balance.


Robin Smith said...
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Robin Smith said...

Imagine if by divine intervention we had the perfect voting system.:

Real Reform: The perfect voting system. Not.

Ps have to do care work today. Sorry. I do get the diff between bookkeeping and accounting now though. Cheers