Thursday 18 March 2010

Is that actually possible?

Headline on the BBC:

Second-hand car dealers shamed

I'm sure that the car dealers are no more 'shamed' than the Office of Fair Trading, who've just wasted taxpayers' money on compiling a random list of prejudices-which-appear-to-have-some-basis-in-fact.


Tim Almond said...

So, nearly 30% of those 20% didn't get it fixed.

So, we've got a 6% problem here.

And those people paid an average of £425 to fix it.

This reinforces an opinion that I've had for sometime, that buying from main dealers, rather than a local garage guy with a reasonably good reputation is a very expensive form of insurance. Because you'll pay about £1000 more at a main dealer. So, going to see an Arthur Daley will leave you £500 more in your pocket, even if you get a problem that they're not prepared to fix.

Mark Wadsworth said...

JT, that is a brilliant bit of maths. I hadn't looked at it like that.