Tuesday 17 March 2009

"Selling sex legally in New Zealand"

There's a fine BBC article on how things have changed in NZ since prostitution was legalised six years ago.

It's fairly short and well worth a read, so I won't highlight bits of it. Suffice to say, this is a golden opportunity for pragmatarians and libertarians to say "We told you so."


AntiCitizenOne said...

Maybe they can do the same for the drugs problem* next?

*Mostly caused by drug prohibition.

Lester Taylor said...

And a new one for the Inland Revenue - Vagina Activity Tax.

Mark Wadsworth said...

Rumour has it that professional prostitutes just agree an approximate turnover figure with HMRC and pay tax on that. Seems fair enough to me.

Pogo said...

Doesn't that leave HMRC open to charges of "living off immoral earnings"? :-)

Anonymous said...

"Selling sex legally in New Zealand"

The Shepherds must be raking it in by now.

Anonymous said...

"When "Sophie", a medical worker from Christchurch...": did they really want to avoid saying "nurse"? I wonder why.

Gregg said...

We told them so!

Anonymous said...

If you had ever been to NZ you would know that they have great difficulty in differentiating "sex" from "six" and "yis" from "yes".

Try it some time..