Tuesday 23 September 2008

The Goblin King tries to change the topic

The top inanity from his otherwise cretinous speech - which took him and his little friends months to write - was this:

Some people have been asking why I haven't served my children up for spreads in the papers. And my answer is simple. My children aren't props; they're people.

I dunno. I can honestly say that I have never asked that question. I have often wondered why, for example, he didn't do the decent thing and just commit suicide; I have tried to work out whether he believes his own lies, but his kids or his fat ugly beard of a fishwife are really of no interest to me. If I had to guess an answer, I'd assume "because they're really ugly" more than anything.

Anyroad, I've set up a fun online poll in the sidebar to see what everybody else thinks.


Nick Drew said...

served up for spreads

does he imagine people think he is a cannibal ??

TheFatBigot said...

Or that we are interested in seeing her spread 'em for the tabloids?

Incidentally, you will know someone criticised Mr Fawkes the other day for using a photo inc Mrs Brown on the basis she's not a public figure. Borrowing a piece of wisdom and good sense from her husband, she has now made herself fair game ala the Obama and McClain spice. Silly silly woman.

Following her husband's impeccable logic she

Mark Wadsworth said...

she ... what? Did nothing?

Anonymous said...

Told him not to talk as he was trit-trotting over that bridge. A ZNL troll jumped out and ate him.