Monday 25 August 2008

The Dark Knight

This film is full of the time-honoured Moral Dilemmas, resolved on several occasions with the Immortal Line "There is Good And Bad in All Of Us. Follow Your Heart (cont. page 94)". And of course The Baddie tells Batman "Y'know, were not so different, you and me".

Morgan Freeman plays a rogue-ish but lovable sidekick (reprising his rôle in Robin Hood) and Heath Ledger plays a younger and more manic version of Hannibal Lecter. Michael Caine reprises Sir John Gielgud's rôle as The English Butler in Arthur or possibly Parker in Thunderbirds. Batman appears to be played by Damon Hill's even more likeable younger brother. The Love Interest over whom Batman and the suave DA do battle appears to be played by an aged Carrie Fisher after plastic surgery gone wrong.

All in all, yawn.