Thursday 15 May 2008

"Hints of methane's renewed rise"

Again, whoopee-do!

Average methane concentration in the atmosphere has increased over the last ten years by ... 30 parts per billion.

A billion is one thousand million! Thirty as a fraction of that is 0.000003% (five zeroes after the decimal point). Methane is, allegedly, 25 times more powerful as a greenhouse gas than CO2. So that's equivalent to a rise in CO2 of 0.75 ppm (parts per million), and as CO2 has risen by about 100 ppm over the last three centuries, with no apparent ill effects (apart from The Thames not freezing over any more) what is there to be worried about?

Have I missed something?


Clunking Fist said...

Some one has missed the fact that temperatures have not risen since, oh, about 1998.
I see The Great Global Warming Swindle is FINALLY going to be shown in New Zealand...followed by a televised "debate". That will be impartial. Not.